Sunday, 12 January 2014

La residencia (parte dos) : documentos y procesos (English)

Hola Chicos! 

So here we go for the second part of our ecuadorian bureau-crazy!
Here's the seed that will start the entire project, will start everything we will grow, build, breathe; the main course.

Like we've mentionned in the last blog, we've decided to ride the big train, the residency through the professional visa (9-V).

Simon was dying to get his Bachelor degree which was already a month late. Without it, Simon would have to apply for an entire different visa from Soa; possibilities were not only very expensive, but way more complex.
And it arrived, the day of his grandmother's funeral, a piece of paper that would open doors to our future here.

Thank you Mamie!

So here are all the steps and documents that would fill up with joy (and bureaucracy) our next two months:

Documents needed:

University degrees (originals)

Copy (color) of the notarized degrees in Canada and Ecuador

Passport copies

Criminal background check translated and notarized (reconocimiento de la firma)

2 passport photos


1) Delivery of Simon's diploma in Quebec city, at Simon's parent
Emotional cost: Many emails, calls and visits to the university department pre-departure to ensure it will be taken care of.
Waiting time: Estimated time of arrival: Sept 2013 Actual time of arrival: End of october 2013

2) Finding an apartment in Guayaquil: the fanciest 1 room apartment in Ecuador!
Searching time: 4 intensive days in an overheated town
Main apartments visited: Horror movie

What we finally found:
Our simple King-Size bed
Endless kitchen
Infinite storage

Two blue chairs + pouf = hapiness
3) Getting our diplomas throughmail: Thanks Mom and Dad Bedard!

Cost: 68$ with Post Canada
5$ with Correo del Ecuador (we suppose it's to pay for the rewrapping of the package they themselves unpacked!)
Waiting time: 14 days

4) Notarization of our diplomas: We are getting ready for one of the longest waiting period of our lives; it's so hot here... people are falling one by one like drunk flies... ambulances are flying one by one, full like tuna cans; but us, Spartans on ecuadorian land, we're going to make it!) :
Estimated cost: between 15US$ and 50US$
Estimated waiting time: between one day and 2 weeks 

Update: Both crazy sick friday morning, we couldn't follow our initial fight plan of being at the notary at dawn to do the line-up. So we went there at 3pm hoping for the best but very aware that we would have to come back on monday.
Surprise, surprise! No waiting line, the process only took few minutes and the notary, when Simon gave him a 20$ bill for a 2$ fee, told him he had no change and let him go freely without paying.....
It will probably the first and last time not having change will be profitable for us!

Final cost : Free
Waiting time: 10 minutes 

5) Criminal background check (translated and notarized): Technically would have to be delivered within the 180 days of residency. Ours is expired... but since we didn't leave Ecuador since we arrived, the government officials agree that it is physically impossible to commit criminal act in Canada. This detail might sounds uninteresting but it is quite useful and will make you save time, money and energy.  

Estimated cost: from 100 to 300$ (fee to renew the document, official translation, finger print in Ecuador and mailing fees
Estimated waiting time: 3 weeks

Final cost: 20$
Waiting time: 2 days

6) Autentification of our diplomas by the SENECYST (Secretaria nacional de education superior de sciencia, technologia y innovacion): to be continued...

7) Unbearable waiting time:
Estimated: From 15 to 45 working days

Like this iguana...
8) Submitting our documents to the ministerio : To be continued..

9) Unbearable waiting period

Like this cat, waiting for a cab...
10) Receiving our residency or Plan B

We will update this blog alot through the next week; you know, to make you guys feel what we feel. Don't hesitate to encourage us! Or to dig up through some clouds for know, to lighten up the darkness!

Additional informations for whom it might concerned:

Imigration visa in Guayaquil :

1) Ministerio del Litoral (Gobierno Zonal de Guayaquil)

Warning: Contrairy to informations online, the office for foreigners visa is not on 9 de octubre street.

Gobierno del Litoral
Adress: Av Francisco De Orellana, 
Guayaquil, Guayas, Ecuador
Téléphone: (4) 2683870
Nb: Hard to find unless you know it's right in front of the World Trade Center of Guayaquil.

How to get there: All buses indicating Gob. del Litoral will get you there.  

World Trade Center

2) SENECYST in Guayaquil: 

The SENECYST adress recently changed. It is now located at the Plaza Quil, in front of the Policentro.

How to get there: Take any bus going to the policentro (there is a lot of them), it will bring you right in front of it.

Av. Carlos Luis Plaza Dañín y calle Francisco Boloña,
diagonal al C.C. Policentro
 Edificio del Sector Público del Sector Social “Joaquín Gallegos Lara”,

quinto piso 

Entrance on the Plaza Danin street

Here's the link to the SENECYST:
Here's the link to the document to fill up and print 3 times: Solicitud escrita en el formato de la SENESCYT

3) Canada consulate in Équateur (Adresse in Guayaquil) :

How to get there:  Take any buses going to the Gobernio del litoral (see previously). 

Consulate of Canada / Consulat du Canada
Ave. Francisco de Orellana No. 234
Edificio Blue Towers , 6to. Piso, Of 604
Tel: (5934) 263 1109  Ext 101
Guayaquil, Ecuador

Contact: Paola Pástor 

Nb. : Edificio Blue towers also known for "Hotel Marriot" 

 4) Our notary in Guayaquil:

Notaria Trigesima
Nueve de Octubre 410, coin Chile
Edificio Vernaza, segundo piso

Nb. Next to ETA fashion
Nb.2 Go in the afternoon (speciallymnot in the morning) 
Nb.3 It's super fast!
Nb.4 Very cheap! 

5) Our translator in Urdesa 

How to get there: Take any buses that goes to Urdesa; get down at Las Monjas (where the Genesis building is (on the left)). Turn left on Las Monjas until Circunvalacion Sur. Turn right and walk to the #615. 

Tony Montané
Presidente Ejecutivo
Urdesa Central-Edificio El Parque
Circunvalación Sur # 615-6B
(593-4) 288-4371, 288-4104

Nb. Super efficient
Nb.4 Super fast
Nb.3 Full of useful infos
Nb. Cheapest in town (1/3 of the price)